Thursday, February 22, 2007

College News

I'm exhausted and overwhelmed and don't really have time to post but there's exciting college news in this house that I just need to share...

I'm graduating summa cum laude. I knew I had the grades for it but until I saw it, it wasn't really real. I thought magna cum laude was the highest but it's not, summa cum laude is. I'm really proud of myself and I think Steven may be even prouder. He has a right to be, I couldn't have done this without his support and help. Thank you Steven, you'll never know how much I appreciate you.

Rachael got her acceptance letter from A&M today. We knew she would be accepted because she's in the top 10% of her class but it's nice to have it in black and white. I'm really proud of her and excited that she's going to the school she wants.

Until later....

Friday, February 09, 2007


I rarely get sick but when I do, it's usually a doozy. I slept most of last Sunday, didn't go to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday and only went to class Wednesday (had a test). I have vitamin C'd, Nyquil'd, Zicam'd, Vicks'd, Musinex'd and slept until my body hurts from laying in the bed so much and I still don't feel better. I have never missed 3 days of work for ilness in my life (I don't think).

Well, I finally broke down today and went to the doctor. (I hope you were sitting down when you read that :)) It's just a cold but it's turned into an upper respiratory infection and my left ear is infected. Of course it didn't hurt until he told me that and now it's killing me but such is life... I am now the proud possessor of amoxicillin for the next 10 days and cough syrup with codeine. I'm still not feeling better but I'm heading to bed now at 6:30 (not the first time this week) and hopefully I'll feel well enough tomorrow to go dress shopping with Steph since this is the only weekend I really have available...

Seems like there was something else I wanted to say about this ilness but I feel too bad to remember what it was...