Saturday, May 30, 2009

Productive Day

I slept till my body said to wake up this mornint - 9:15. Not my idea of sleeping in but such is life...

I got lots of organizing done in my quilting room - not finished but much better than it was. I'll finish it this summer.

After lunch, I went and worked in my classroom.

I got the remainder of the clipboards finished for the kids' end of the year gift. Steven pulled staples off the wall and removed classroom decorations.

I went through "stuff" and brought some home to organize this summer and got the rest put away.

It looks normal behind my desk now instead of like a bomb exploded. I still have lots to get put away but I made good progress.

We're heading to Jennifer's for steak, rice and gravy in just a little bit. She makes great steak, rice and gravy - MawMaw taught her well!

I'm tired but got lots accomplished today and that feels good!

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