Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My Last Night of Bondage

I'm working on finishing up my portfolio. I won't finish tonight but will have it done in plenty of time tomorrow. I think I still have 3 competencies without artifacts but I'll come up with something...

I am soooo sick of justifying and reflecting I could just scream! There are 13 competencies. Each one has to have an artifact, a summary, a justification and a reflection. In addition, there were 12 disposition justifications and weekly reflections. All of that plus some other stuff for my portfolio. If this was something useful, I wouldn't mind doing it but I already have a job and if I go to another district later, I won't be a brand new teacher and won't need this stupid portfolio so it is a complete and utter waste of my time and effort.

This time tomorrow night I will be finished. I can hardly believe it's here...

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